how to clean headlights with brake fluid?

Are your car headlights looking foggy or yellowed out, affecting their brightness and effectiveness? If so, you might be considering replacing them altogether. However, before you spend money on new headlights, there is a simple and affordable solution that can help restore the clarity of your existing ones: baking soda. In this article, we’ll show you how to use baking soda to clean your car’s headlights and get them shining like new again. So grab some baking soda and let’s get started!

Supplies Needed

To clean your headlights with baking soda, you will need just a few supplies that are likely already in your kitchen. First and foremost, baking soda is the star of the show. This versatile powder is excellent for cleaning and can help remove dirt and grime from your headlights. You’ll also need some water to mix with the baking soda, as well as a bowl and a spoon for mixing.

Finally, you’ll need a microfiber cloth to scrub the headlights. Microfiber cloths are great for cleaning because they are gentle on surfaces but still effective at removing dirt and grime. Plus, they won’t scratch or damage your headlights like some other types of cloths might.

By having these supplies on hand, you’ll be able to quickly and easily clean your headlights using baking soda.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a versatile and affordable household item that can be used for various cleaning purposes, including cleaning car headlights. It is an effective solution for removing dirt, grime, and discoloration from the surface of your headlights.

Baking soda works as an abrasive agent that helps to remove the dirt and grime from the surface of the headlights without causing any damage. It also helps to neutralize any acidic substances that may have caused discoloration on the surface of your headlights.

To use baking soda for cleaning your car headlights, you will need to mix it with water to create a paste-like consistency. The mixture should not be too thick or too runny; it should be just right so that it can easily spread across the surface of your headlights.

Once you have prepared the mixture, apply it to the surface of your headlights using a microfiber cloth. Make sure to cover all areas evenly and leave it on for a few minutes so that it can work its magic.

Afterward, scrub the surface of your headlights gently with a microfiber cloth in circular motions. This will help to remove any stubborn stains or dirt particles from the surface of your headlights.

Finally, rinse off the mixture with clean water and dry your headlights with a clean microfiber cloth. You will notice a significant improvement in the clarity and brightness of your car’s headlights after this simple cleaning process.

In conclusion, baking soda is an excellent solution for cleaning car headlights due to its abrasive properties that help remove dirt and grime without damaging the surface. It is an affordable and easy-to-use alternative to expensive commercial headlight cleaners.


Water is an essential component in cleaning headlights with baking soda. It helps to dilute the baking soda and create a paste that can be easily applied to the headlights. When selecting water for this process, it is best to use clean tap water or distilled water.

The amount of water needed will depend on the quantity of baking soda used. Typically, one tablespoon of baking soda requires about one teaspoon of water. However, it is important to note that the mixture should not be too watery as this may affect its effectiveness.

When mixing the baking soda and water together, it is recommended to use a bowl and spoon for thorough mixing. The mixture should have a smooth consistency without any lumps or bumps.

Before applying the mixture to the headlights, it is important to test it on a small area first. This allows you to see how effective the mixture is and whether any adjustments need to be made.

Overall, using clean water when cleaning headlights with baking soda ensures that the process is effective and efficient in restoring your car’s headlights’ brightness.


When it comes to cleaning your headlights with baking soda, having a bowl on hand is essential. This simple tool will help you mix the baking soda and water into a paste that can effectively remove dirt, grime, and discoloration from your headlights.

When choosing a bowl for this task, it’s best to use one that is large enough to hold the mixture without any spillage. A medium-sized mixing bowl should do the trick.

Make sure the bowl is clean and dry before adding the baking soda and water. You don’t want any other substances or debris to contaminate the mixture.

Once you have your bowl ready, add about two tablespoons of baking soda and enough water to create a thick paste. Use a spoon to mix everything together until there are no lumps in the mixture.

It’s important to note that you may need to adjust the amount of baking soda or water depending on how dirty your headlights are. If they are heavily soiled, you may need more baking soda for added abrasion power.

Before applying the mixture onto your headlights, it’s recommended that you test it on a small area first. This will help ensure that the paste doesn’t damage or scratch your headlights.

Overall, having a clean and dry bowl is crucial when preparing the baking soda mixture for cleaning your headlights. It will make the process much smoother and easier, allowing you to achieve clear and bright headlights in no time.


When preparing the mixture to clean your headlights with baking soda, you will need a spoon to mix the ingredients properly. A regular tablespoon or teaspoon will do the job just fine.

Make sure to measure the baking soda and water accurately with your spoon to create a consistent mixture. You don’t want it to be too watery or too thick, as this can affect its effectiveness in cleaning your headlights.

Once you have mixed the baking soda and water together, use your spoon to stir it thoroughly until all of the lumps are gone. This will ensure that the solution is smooth and easy to apply onto your headlights.

After testing the mixture on a small area of your headlight, you can use your spoon again to transfer some of it onto a microfiber cloth for application. Be sure not to apply too much pressure when using the spoon, as this can cause scratches on your headlights.

Overall, having a spoon handy during the preparation process is essential in ensuring that you create an effective cleaning solution for your headlights.

Microfiber Cloth

Microfiber Cloth

When it comes to cleaning headlights with baking soda, using a microfiber cloth is crucial. These cloths are made of synthetic fibers that are incredibly effective at picking up dirt and grime without leaving any scratches or streaks on the surface.

To use a microfiber cloth for cleaning your headlights, you should first apply the baking soda mixture to the headlights as directed in the article. Then, take your microfiber cloth and gently scrub the headlights in circular motions. Be sure to apply enough pressure to remove any built-up dirt or grime, but not so much that you scratch the surface.

Once you have finished scrubbing the headlights with the baking soda mixture and microfiber cloth, it’s time to rinse them off. Use a clean microfiber cloth to wipe away any excess mixture and then rinse the headlights thoroughly with water. Finally, dry them off using another clean microfiber cloth.

It’s important to note that using a regular towel or rag instead of a microfiber cloth can actually do more harm than good. These materials can leave behind small scratches that will only make your headlights look worse over time. So be sure to invest in some high-quality microfiber cloths for all of your car-cleaning needs.

In conclusion, when it comes to cleaning your car’s headlights with baking soda, using a microfiber cloth is an essential tool for achieving great results without causing any damage to your vehicle’s surfaces.

Preparing the Mixture

To clean your headlights with baking soda, you will need to prepare a mixture of baking soda and water. This mixture is very effective in removing dirt, grime, and discoloration from your headlights.

To prepare the mixture, you will need a bowl, spoon, baking soda, and water. Start by adding 2 tablespoons of baking soda to the bowl. Then slowly add water while stirring until you get a thick paste-like consistency.

It’s important to test the mixture on a small area of your headlight before applying it all over. Apply a small amount of the mixture to an inconspicuous spot on your headlight and wait for a few minutes before wiping it off with a microfiber cloth. If there are no negative effects or discoloration, then you can proceed with cleaning the entire headlight.

The baking soda mixture works by gently scrubbing away dirt and grime from the surface of the headlight without causing any damage. It’s important to use a microfiber cloth when scrubbing because it won’t scratch or damage the surface of your headlight.

Once you have tested the mixture and are ready to clean your headlights, apply it generously to each headlight using the microfiber cloth. Scrub in circular motions until all dirt and grime are removed from the surface of each headlight.

After scrubbing both headlights thoroughly, rinse them off with water and dry them completely with a clean microfiber cloth.

If necessary, repeat this process until your headlights are completely clean and clear. To prevent future discoloration or buildup on your headlights, consider applying a protective coating designed specifically for car headlights.

In conclusion, preparing the baking soda mixture is an essential step in cleaning your car’s headlights effectively. By following these steps carefully, you can restore clarity to your headlights without damaging them in any way.

Mixing the Baking Soda and Water

To clean your headlights using baking soda, you need to prepare a mixture of baking soda and water. This mixture is what will do the cleaning work on your headlights. Here are the steps to follow when mixing the baking soda and water:

  1. Get a bowl: The first step in preparing the mixture is to get a bowl that can hold enough water and baking soda for the task at hand.
  2. Add baking soda: Once you have your bowl, add some baking soda into it. The amount of baking soda you add depends on how much solution you need for your headlights.
  3. Add water: After adding the baking soda, pour some water into the bowl. You should add enough water to make a paste-like solution with the baking soda.
  4. Mix well: With both ingredients in the bowl, use a spoon to mix them well until they form a consistent paste.
  5. Test the mixture: Before applying the mixture on your headlights, it’s essential to test it first on a small area of your car’s bodywork or any other surface that won’t be affected by discoloration or damage from the solution.

Once you’ve tested and confirmed that there are no adverse effects from using this solution, you can proceed with cleaning your headlights using this method.

It’s worth noting that this method works best if you use warm water instead of cold water when making the solution because warm water makes it easier for the baking soda to dissolve quickly and efficiently in water.

Overall, mixing baking soda and water is an easy process that anyone can do at home without spending too much money on expensive car care products.

Testing the Mixture

When it comes to cleaning headlights with baking soda, testing the mixture is an important step to ensure that it will be effective in removing discoloration and grime from your headlights.

To prepare the mixture, you will need baking soda, water, a bowl, and a spoon. Start by mixing two tablespoons of baking soda with enough water to create a paste-like consistency. The exact amount of water needed may vary depending on the size of your headlights.

Once you have mixed the baking soda and water together, it’s important to test the mixture before applying it to your headlights. This can be done by applying a small amount of the mixture onto an inconspicuous area of your car, such as the side mirror or door panel. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse it off with water. If there is no damage or discoloration after rinsing, then the mixture is safe to use on your headlights.

Testing the mixture beforehand also allows you to adjust the consistency if necessary. If it’s too thick or clumpy, add more water until you achieve a smoother texture.

By taking the time to test your baking soda mixture before applying it to your headlights, you can avoid any potential damage and ensure that you get the best results possible.

Cleaning the Headlights

To clean your car’s headlights with baking soda, you will need to follow a few simple steps. First, you will need to apply the mixture of baking soda and water to the headlights. Then, you will need to scrub the headlights with a microfiber cloth before rinsing and drying them.

Applying the mixture of baking soda and water is easy. Simply mix together some baking soda and water in a bowl using a spoon until it forms a paste. The consistency should be similar to that of toothpaste. Once you have mixed the two ingredients together, test the mixture on a small area of your headlight to ensure that it does not damage or scratch the surface.

When applying the mixture to your headlights, use a microfiber cloth to spread it evenly across the surface. Be sure not to use too much pressure as this can cause scratches or damage to your headlights. Instead, use gentle circular motions when applying the mixture.

After applying the mixture, it’s time to scrub your headlights with a microfiber cloth. Again, be gentle and use circular motions when scrubbing. This will help remove any dirt or grime that has built up on your headlights over time.

Once you have finished scrubbing your headlights, rinse them off with clean water and dry them thoroughly using another microfiber cloth. This will help prevent any streaks or water spots from forming on your newly cleaned headlights.

If necessary, repeat this process until you are satisfied with how clean your headlights look. Finally, take steps to prevent future discoloration by regularly cleaning your car’s headlights and parking in shaded areas whenever possible.

By following these simple steps for cleaning your car’s headlights with baking soda, you can keep them looking like new for years to come!

Applying the Mixture to the Headlights

To apply the baking soda mixture to your headlights, you will need to follow a few simple steps. First, make sure that your headlights are completely dry before starting the cleaning process. Then, take your bowl and spoon and mix together baking soda and water until it forms a thick paste.

Once you have created the mixture, use your fingers or a small brush to apply it evenly across the surface of each headlight lens. Be sure to cover all areas of the lens, including any crevices or hard-to-reach spots.

After applying the mixture, take your microfiber cloth and begin scrubbing each headlight in circular motions. Use moderate pressure as you scrub to ensure that you remove all dirt and grime from the lens. Continue scrubbing until you see that the lens is becoming clearer.

Next, rinse off each headlight with clean water and inspect them closely. If there are still areas that appear foggy or discolored, repeat the process until they look clear again.

Finally, use a dry microfiber cloth to dry off each headlight completely. This will prevent water spots from forming on the surface of the lenses.

By following these steps for applying the baking soda mixture to your headlights, you can effectively remove dirt and discoloration from their surfaces without damaging them.

Scrubbing with Microfiber Cloth

When it comes to cleaning headlights with baking soda, one of the most important steps is scrubbing with a microfiber cloth. This step involves using the mixture of baking soda and water to remove any dirt or grime that has accumulated on the surface of the headlights.

To begin, apply the mixture generously to the headlight lens, making sure to cover all areas evenly. Then, take your microfiber cloth and gently scrub the surface in circular motions. Be sure to apply enough pressure to remove any stubborn stains, but not too much pressure that you scratch or damage the lens.

It’s important to note that using a microfiber cloth is crucial for this step since it’s gentle enough not to scratch the lens while still being effective at removing dirt and grime. Using a regular cloth or sponge can actually cause more harm than good by leaving scratches on the surface.

After scrubbing thoroughly, rinse off any remaining residue with clean water and dry with another microfiber cloth. It’s essential to dry completely since leftover moisture can lead to future discoloration.

If necessary, repeat this process until you’re satisfied with how clean your headlights look. Remember that regular maintenance is key in preventing future discoloration and buildup. By following these tips and tricks, you’ll have crystal clear headlights in no time!

Rinsing and Drying

After applying the baking soda mixture and scrubbing your headlights, it’s time to rinse and dry them. This step is crucial in ensuring that no residue is left on the headlights, which can cause discoloration or damage over time.

To rinse the headlights, use a clean microfiber cloth and water to gently wipe away the baking soda mixture. Make sure to remove all traces of the mixture, taking extra care around any crevices or edges of the headlight.

Once you have rinsed off all of the mixture, it’s important to dry your headlights thoroughly. Leaving them wet can cause water spots or streaks to form, which can be difficult to remove later on.

To dry your headlights, use a separate clean microfiber cloth and gently pat them dry. Avoid using any rough materials or towels that could scratch or damage the surface of the headlight.

By properly rinsing and drying your headlights after cleaning them with baking soda, you can ensure that they look their best for longer. This final step will also help prevent future discoloration or damage caused by residue left behind from cleaning products.

Tips and Tricks

Repeat if Necessary

If after cleaning your headlights with the baking soda mixture, you notice that there are still some areas that need more attention, don’t hesitate to repeat the process. You can apply the mixture again and scrub those areas gently until they are clean.

It’s important to note that if your headlights are severely discolored or have a lot of grime buildup, it may take more than one round of cleaning to get them looking like new again. In this case, you may need to repeat the process several times until you achieve the desired results.

Another tip is to regularly clean your headlights and prevent future discoloration by parking in shaded areas or using a car cover. Excessive exposure to sunlight can cause discoloration over time, so taking preventative measures can help keep your headlights looking clear and bright for longer periods of time.

In summary, if you find that one round of cleaning with the baking soda mixture is not enough, don’t be afraid to repeat the process. With patience and persistence, you can restore even heavily discolored headlights back to their original shine.

Preventing Future Discoloration

To prevent future discoloration of your car’s headlights, there are a few simple steps you can take. First, try to park your car in a shaded area or garage whenever possible. This will help protect the headlights from direct sunlight and UV rays which can cause discoloration over time.

Secondly, consider applying a protective coating to your headlights after cleaning them with baking soda. There are many products available on the market that are specifically designed for this purpose. These coatings create a barrier between the headlight and the elements, helping to prevent future discoloration and damage.

Another tip is to clean your headlights regularly. By removing dirt and grime buildup, you can help maintain their clarity and prevent discoloration from occurring. You can use the same baking soda mixture mentioned earlier in this article or invest in a specialized headlight cleaner.

Lastly, avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials when cleaning your headlights. These can scratch or damage the surface of the headlight, making it more susceptible to discoloration and other forms of damage. Instead, opt for gentle cleaners and soft cloths that won’t harm the delicate surface of your headlights.

By following these simple tips, you can help keep your car’s headlights looking clear and bright for years to come.


In conclusion, cleaning your car’s headlights with baking soda is an easy and affordable solution that can restore their clarity and brightness. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can prepare a simple mixture of baking soda and water, apply it to the headlights, scrub them with a microfiber cloth, and rinse them thoroughly.

Remember to test the mixture on a small area first to make sure it does not damage the surface of your headlights. If necessary, repeat the process until you achieve the desired results. Additionally, to prevent future discoloration or fogging of your headlights, consider applying a protective coating or wax after cleaning them.

Overall, maintaining clean and clear headlights is essential for safe driving and improving the appearance of your vehicle. With baking soda and a few basic supplies, you can easily achieve this goal without breaking the bank.


In conclusion, cleaning headlights with baking soda is a simple and effective way to restore the clarity of your car’s headlights. With just a few supplies like baking soda, water, a bowl, spoon, and microfiber cloth, you can prepare a mixture that will remove grime and dirt from your headlights.

To prepare the mixture, you need to mix baking soda and water until it forms a paste. Testing the mixture on a small area of your headlight will help ensure that it won’t cause any damage or discoloration.

When cleaning the headlights, apply the mixture to the surface of each headlight and scrub with a microfiber cloth. Rinse off any remaining residue with clean water and dry thoroughly before hitting the road.

If necessary, repeat the process until your headlights are fully restored. To prevent future discoloration or damage to your headlights, consider parking in shaded areas or using protective covers when not in use.

Cleaning your car’s headlights is an important part of maintaining its appearance and ensuring safe driving conditions. By following these simple tips and tricks for cleaning headlights with baking soda, you can keep your car looking its best for years to come.